
Adult ADD – The Latest Pusher Scare

There have been a rash of ads about “Adult Attention Deficit Disorder”, which turns out to be yet another reason for Americans to take some drugs. The TV ads show people in boring business meetings, having a hard time paying attention. That’s a real big surprise. It’s just another opportunity for the drug companies to push some drugs on us. The drug companies even have some quizzes on their website to see if you have Adult ADD: “Do you have problems wrapping up projects or starting them?

Jack O’ Lantern Mushrooms in Driftwood

We had an interesting occurrence over Halloween. We saw these striking orange-colored mushrooms growing out of the stump of a dead tree. They probably came out as a result of all of the rain we’d gotten in October. I took the picture of them and then read more about them on the Internet. The interesting thing is that they supposedly glow in the dark. The area under the gills is supposed to glow a faint green.

Space Ships in Science Fiction

We’ve been watching some of those old Twilight Zone classics and have been amused by some of the ways in which space travel was envisioned back in the early 60′s. There seems to have been an assumption that we would be traveling around in flying saucers. This was likely brought on by the fascination with flying saucers around that time and in the 1950′s classics (e.g. “The Day the Earth Stood Still“).

Most Significant Inventions – Last 500 Years

Last week Dad sent an email question to make us think and to get away from the usual email arguments about politics and religion. The question was, “What invention in the last 500 years has changed the world more than any other?". My reply was the following inventions have had the biggest impact: Internal Combustion Engine Silicon Chip Mass Generation and Transmission of Electricity Via Alternating Current Splitting of the atom The internal combustion engine has changed the way people travel, conduct warfare, transport goods, and farm (mechanized farming).