Jack O’ Lantern Mushrooms in Driftwood

Jack O’ Lantern Mushrooms

We had an interesting occurrence over Halloween. We saw these striking orange-colored mushrooms growing out of the stump of a dead tree. They probably came out as a result of all of the rain we’d gotten in October. I took the picture of them and then read more about them on the Internet.

The interesting thing is that they supposedly glow in the dark. The area under the gills is supposed to glow a faint green. I took a piece of one into the closet and after allowing our eyes to adjust didn’t see it glow. Evidently you need to get them when they are fresher. It did seem kind of silly looking at a mushroom in the closet.

Didn’t try to eat them, by the way. These mushrooms will make you very sick.

This writer had the same results as I did trying to observe the glowing mushrooms.